In Calgary, citizens have the right not to be disturbed by noise and have the responsibility to not make noise that disturbs others.

Noise can include, but is not limited to, yelling, shouting, loud music, horns, power tools and air conditioners.

Under the bylaws, the following cannot be used at night in a residential development:

  • hand lawn mower;
  • motorized garden tool;
  • power tool outside of any building or structure;
  • model aircraft driven by an internal combustion engine of any kind;
  • snow clearing device powered by an engine of any kind except during the 48 hour period following a snowfall, rain or freezing rain;
  • (motorized snow or leaf blowing device;
  • an outdoor speaker system within 150 metres of a residential development except during the Calgary Stampede

These activities are allowed during the "daytime," meaning:

  • Between 7 a.m. and ending at 10 p.m. of the same day, Monday to Saturday; or
  • Between 9 a.m. and ending at 10 p.m. of the same day, Sunday and holidays.

Under the bylaws, you cannot cause (or permit to be caused) a continuous sound that exceeds:

  • 65 decibels (dBA) measured over a one (1) hour period during the day-time; or
  • 50 decibels (dBA) measured over a one (1) hour period during the night-time;
  • 85 decibels (dBC) for bass noise for outdoor concerts

Under the bylaws, you cannot cause (or permit to be caused) a non-continuous sound that exceeds:

  • 85 decibels (dBA) measured over a period of 15 minutes during the day-time; or
  • 75 decibels (dBA) measured over a period of 15 minutes during the night-time;

Fines for violations of these regulations range between $250 to $500.

Related bylaws

The City of Calgary regulates noise through the Community Standards Bylaw 23M2023 part 9. This is an overview of these regulations. Please refer to the actual bylaw for more detailed information. Noise regulations for vehicles can be found in the Traffic Bylaw. Original copies of bylaws are available at the City Clerk's office.

Eligible applicants may apply for a Noise Exemption Permit.

Report a violation

How to file a complaint and what happens to it

  • Call Calgary Police Service at (403) 266-1234 if the noise is caused by criminal activity.
  • Call 311 (from within Calgary) or 403-268-CITY (2489) (from outside Calgary) if the noise is not caused by criminal activity.

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