Appealing a bylaw invoice

​​​​If you have received an invoice from us for a bylaw infraction (i.e. snow and ice removal, clean-up of waste or an unsightly premise, removal of material from a street or alleyway, removal of graffiti, grass or weed removal or tree/shrub trimming), and would like to appeal the invoice please review the information below before submitting your appeal.

If you would like more information about bylaws, please refer to bylaws by topic.

When to contact 3-1-1

Please contact 3-1-1 (from within Calgary) or 403-268-CITY (from outside of Calgary) before submitting this form if:

  • You do not have a copy of the invoice and would like to request one.
  • You have general questions about appealing an invoice.

When to submit an appeal

You may submit an appeal if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are appealing the invoice within 35 days of the invoice date (listed in the upper right hand corner of the invoice). Please reference this example of an invoice.
  • You are the registered property owner (tenants can not submit an appeal).
  • The property address and roll number listed on the invoice is the actual service  location where the corrective action was taken.
  • You have a copy of the invoice. Without this invoice you will not have enough information to submit an appeal. Please reference this example invoice which demonstrates the information you will be required to provide (highlighted in yellow).

If you have met all the criteria listed above, you may appeal a bylaw invoice by clicking the button below.