Whistle-blower Program: past recommendations

A component of each whistle-blower investigation is, where possible and appropriate, to determine underlying causes of procedural failure or control weakness leading to a concern being reported. Recommendations are raised to the attention of Management with a view that, if implemented, these corrective actions would mitigate opportunity for similar activities to reoccur. Recommendations are made based on the concern or issue reported and are not limited to substantiated allegations.

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2022 recommendations • 2021 recommendations

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2022 Recommendations

Year Category of Reported Concern Nature of Allegation Conclusion and Corrective Action
Q4 2022 HR, Diversity, and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that an employee was working outside the Province of Alberta in a preferential manner not available to other employees.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation confirmed the activity and determined the allegation to be unsubstantiated as wrongdoing.

The employee was found to have been working within The City’s Telework program terms and conditions that were in effect and available to all employees.

As a result of the investigation, the Whistle-blower Program made a recommendation for Administration to review and align the Telework program with the Work From Outside Calgary program to clarify work location expectations.

Q4 2022 Business Integrity It was alleged that a City employee inappropriately influenced the recruitment of a family member.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be unsubstantiated.

Investigation determined that the recruitment of the family member was completed in alignment with the City’s Employment Policy and Conflict of Interest policy.

Following the investigation, Administration accepted a recommendation to review and monitor the roles and responsibilities of the employees involved to ensure ongoing compliance with the Conflict of Interest policy.

Q3 2022 HR, Diversity, and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee engaged with a citizen in an inappropriate and public manner.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated. 

The investigation determined that the interaction with the citizen was appropriate, however, ought to have occurred in private.

As a result of the investigation, Administration took appropriate corrective action in reinforcing to the employee the need to conduct engage in discussions in a manner that aligns with the Respectful Workplace Policy.

Q2 2022 Health, Safety and Environment

It was alleged that perimeter fencing at a City facility insufficiently protected wildlife from the risk of harm.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that due to operational needs and capital project work prior to 2019, the effectiveness of existing perimeter fencing was compromised and provided wildlife with unintended points of entry to the property. Work to repair fencing and points of controlled entry was completed in 2021 with appropriate consideration to wildlife safety and compliance with the City of Calgary Environmental Policy.

As a result of the concerns raised by this investigation, Administration has committed to enhance monitoring of wildlife activity and access points to the property.

Q2 2022 Misuse, Misappropriation of Assets It was alleged that a City employee did not attend a prepaid conference as expected.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be unsubstantiated as wrongdoing.

The investigation determined that the employee’s absence from portions of the conference was anticipated and pre-approved by a supervisor.

As a result of the investigation, the Whistle-blower Program recommended that the approving supervisor be engaged in a discussion regarding effective decision-making to support best use of City resources.

Year Category of Reported Concern Nature of Allegation Conclusion and Corrective Action
Q1 2022 Misuse, Misappropriation of Assets It was alleged that an employee had inappropriately claimed sick time off from work.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation confirmed that the employee’s actions were purposeful and not aligned with The City’s Code of Conduct or the Labour Relations Policy.

As a result of the investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken by Administration.

Q1 2022 HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee posted offensive material to social media.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that an unsecured social media account was associated to a self‐identified City employee and was found to contain material that was offensive and contrary to the City’s Social Media, Media Relations, and Public Statements Policy.

As a result of the investigation, the WBP recommended that Administration take appropriate corrective action including training to reinforce the employee’s obligations to remain compliant with policy.

Q1 2022 Health, Safety, and Environment

It was alleged that a contractor actively providing services to The City was noncompliant with the COVID‐19 Contractor and Volunteer Vaccination Policy.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

Investigation confirmed the non‐compliance and corrective action was taken to bring the contractor into compliance with the COVID‐19 Contractor and Volunteer Vaccination Policy.

Q1 2022 Business Integrity It was alleged that an employee, acting in a leadership capacity, failed to ensure the correct recording of time off taken by an employee with whom there was a family relationship.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation confirmed that the employee breached the Conflict of Interest Policy in failing to inform the supervisor, which resulted in the employee, with whom there was a family relationship, benefiting from incorrect time records and associated compensation.

As a result of the investigation the time records have been corrected and Administration has undertaken several corrective actions including reinforcement of policy compliance expectations to the employee.

Q1 2022 HR, Diversity, and Respectful Workplace

It was alleged that a City employee engaged in disrespectful behaviour directed toward multiple colleagues which were contrary to the Respectful Workplace Policy.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that the employee’s behaviour was not aligned with the Respectful Workplace Policy.

The employee’s supervisor has taken appropriate corrective action to address the allegation substantiated.

Q1 2022 Misuse, Misappropriation of Assets It was alleged that a City employee utilized a City vehicle wash bay to clean a personal vehicle.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation confirmed the misuse of the City vehicle wash bay, in breach of the Labour Relations Policy as it relates to malfeasance.

As a result of the investigation, the Whistle‐blower Program recommended to Administration that it take appropriate corrective action to support ongoing policy compliance.

2021 Recommendations

Year Category of Concern Nature of Allegation Conclusion and Corrective Action


HR, Diversity and Respecful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee in a leadership role engaged in disrespectful behaviour directed toward staff.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that the leader’s behaviour was not in alignment with the Respectful Workplace Policy.

Appropriate corrective action was taken to reinforce expectations for the leader to support a respectful workplace.


Accounting, and Financial Statements It was alleged that an employee on a leave of absence was compensated at their regular rate of pay.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation was substantiated.

Investigation confirmed that due to incorrect processing of an employee’s absence, time coding was not adjusted, and the employee received their regular pay.

As a result of the investigation, corrective actions have occurred including training and reinforcing supervisor reporting responsibilities for employee absences. The City procedure for recovery of excess payments has been followed.


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee raised concerns to management in an inappropriate manner that was disrespectful to colleagues.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation confirmed the employee’s manner in raising concerns to management was inappropriate.

As a result of the investigation, the employee received coaching regarding behavioural expectations and guidance to raise concerns in a more effective and respectful manner.


Business Integrity It was alleged that a Board Member appointed by Council participated in a vote of a matter to which they had a conflict of interest.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that the conflict of interest required declaration and abstention from the vote. The Member’s vote was however immaterial as the motion was carried unanimously by the remaining Members and meeting quorum would have been maintained had recusal occurred.

The Member has been reminded of the need for such declarations, and the WBP has recommended that Administration review and consider the need to strengthen language in the Code of Conduct for Citizen Appointed To Council Established Boards, Commissions and Committees.

​Year           ​Category of Concern ​Nature of Allegation ​Conclusion and Corrective Action


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee in a position of leadership observed disrespectful behaviour in the workplace and did not take immediate corrective action.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that the leader did not immediately denounce inappropriate behaviour when it was observed. In so doing, the inappropriate behaviour was implied as acceptable.

Corrective action has occurred to reinforce The City’s expectations of employees and leaders in supporting a respectful workplace.


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that overtime opportunities and assignments were being influenced by a conflict of interest.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be unsubstantiated.

The investigation confirmed that overtime opportunities were available to all employees and were assigned in an equitable manner free of inappropriate influence. The nature of the relationship between the supervisor and an employee was compliant with the Conflict of Interest policy.

As a result of the investigation, HR will support management in exploring opportunities to further mitigate the perception of preferential decision making.


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee had posted an inappropriate comment to social media.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.


The investigation determined that the comment did not align with either the Social Media, Media Relations and Public Statements or Respectful Workplace policies.


As a result of the investigation, Administration has taken appropriate corrective actions to remove the offending post and ensure ongoing adherence to policy.


Health, Safety and Environment It was alleged that two City employees involved in a verbal altercation in the workplace resulted in a physical assault.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.


The investigation determined that the activity was inappropriate and contrary to the Workplace Violence Policy.


As a result of the investigation, Administration has committed to ensuring that appropriate corrective action occurs, including reinforcement of The City’s expectations regarding appropriate workplace behaviour and reporting protocols.


Misuse, Misappropriation of Assets It was alleged that a City employee’s personal use of City technology was in a manner that violated the Acceptable Use of City Technology Resources Policy.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be unsubstantiated.


The investigation did not identify evidence of use of technology that violated the Acceptable Use of City Technology Resources Policy.


As a result of the investigation, and despite the absence of wrongdoing, management has identified an opportunity to reinforce to employees in this work area the need to ensure appropriate use of City technology.


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that a City employee engaged in disrespectful behaviour directed toward a colleague in a lower position.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.

The investigation determined that both employee’s behaviour were not appropriate for the workplace and not in alignment with the Respectful Workplace Policy.

Appropriate corrective action was taken to reinforce appropriate workplace behaviour and the need for compliance to the Respectful Workplace Policy.

​Year           ​Category of Concern ​Nature of Allegation ​Conclusion and Corrective Action


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that multipleCity employees engaged indisrespectful behaviourdirected toward a colleaguewhich were contrary to theRespectful Workplace Policy.

The Whistle‐blower Program’s investigation determined one allegation to be substantiated.


The investigation determined that, despite other allegations not being substantiated, the interactions involving some employees nonetheless fostered a negative work environment for others.


As a result of the investigation, Administration has committed to developing a strategy to positively address interpersonal relationships in this work area to align with The City’s Respectful Workplace Policy.


Misuse, Misappropriation of Assets It was alleged that inappropriate paving of private driveways occurred in relation to a specific roadway paving project, at the expense of taxpayers.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated. The investigation did not, however, determine wrongdoing.


The investigation found that incorrect information provided by a property owner to the work crew resulted in the paving of a private commercial driveway without confirmation and required approval necessary to trigger cost-recovery measures.


As a result of the investigation, Administration has committed to recovering the cost of materials from the property owner and reinforcing to employees The City’s expectation for compliance with procedures and issue escalation protocols.


Health, Safety & Environment It was alleged that, following personal international travel, a City employee returned to work without completing a required quarantine period.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.


Investigation confirmed that the employee did not adhere to The City’s mandatory 14-day quarantine period before attending at a City work location following international travel. The employee did not violate the federal Quarantine Act and no transmission of the COVID-19 virus was found to have occurred at the City work location.


As a result of the investigation, Administration applied appropriate disciplinary action.


HR, Diversity and Respectful Workplace It was alleged that two City employees acted contrary to the Respectful Workplace Policy in targeting a City employee by soliciting negative statements form colleagues.

The Whistle-blower Program’s investigation determined the allegation to be substantiated.


The investigation determined that the solicitation of statements was inappropriate and should not have been condoned by a supervisor.


As a result of the investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken to ensure the employees involved understand the negative effect of their actions which were contrary to the Respectful Workplace Policy.